Tips for Crisis Comms
At some point in every business, you will have to navigate crisis communications.
Here are some tips to help you get through:
Slow down
Don’t sacrifice efficiency for speed. Take a deep breath. Give yourself space to think.
Be thoughtful
Identify the groups you will be speaking with. What are their concerns? Think about the whole team, what does the security guard need to hear from you? What do the media need to know? Ensure your messaging reflects the sentiment you are hearing from the market. Think carefully about the tone you want to set.
Identify the spokesperson
Usually, this is the CEO but maybe you have a team to help share the load. Practice what the individual is going to say, support them, and sign off all written communications.
Be concise
Providing accurate information is essential. Deliver it with compassion.
Be consistent
Messaging is likely to be different across channels. Your sentiment, tone and brand should be consistent across them all.
Be critical
Read the messages aloud. Is this really what people want to hear? Stay true to your brand values and be aware that any hint of profiteering or insincerity can be seen a mile away.